WotF 40 Full cover

WOTF Interview with Joe Montaldo

by | Mar 17, 2024 | Writers of the Future, Writing | 0 comments

Part of the whole Writers of the Future thing is the chance to do interviews.

Here’s a link to one that I, and some of the other winner writers & illustrators, did last week. It was a lot more fun than I thought it’d be–Joe was super nice–and I don’t think I got too word-salad-y (mostly just over the thought of screenwriting/adaptations, because I got excited).

I was post-Peloton bike ride (I’m StephCat67 on the leader board–feel free to follow me, I’ll follow you back!) so opted for voice-only.

Late last year, VoyageLA published an interview as well on their site.

Check them out & let me know what you think!

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